Hi, Primmies, we are at my daughter and son-in-law's house. We had a foot of snow and it brought down two oak trees over 100 years old. One fell across the street and pull down the power lines
and poles. The second one fell on our house, crushed our roof in, broke windows and the car
got smashed by the top that cracked in half over the house. We have a tree in our upstairs bedroom.
They say no power for two weeks, Athol is one of the worst areas in MA. Most towns don't have
power. Even if it comes on, our chiminey is sheard off and the flues are broken. So, the house is
47 degrees and I'm taking a break over here. The Boston Globe was out today taking pictures and
interviewing us. Tricia at Hillcrest Home Primitives can get a copy! Oh, it's so bad. I was sleeping
at 4:00 a.m. and the sound was horrendous. I put my hands over my head and screamed!
Gotta go, generator has to be turned off for the night. I don't know when I'll get a chance to be on
again. I have to go home and there's no power the cable and phone lines got taken down with our
tree accident.
Stay Safe, Primmies