
October 29, 2011


Hi, Primmies, it's snowing really good here. There's about 6
or 8 inches on the ground so far and expected snowfall
amount is 10-14 inches. Woo Hoo! There's only one problem, the power lines are swaying the lights are going
off and on. The oak trees still have leaves and the snow is
kind of wet and heavy and that's not good. It's been snow-
ing all day long, it hasn't let up. I tried to snap a few
pictures but they're kind of dark. Maybe I'll try to see how
they look uploaded.
The adorable Santa Hat Tucks are from Pat at Ahl Cooped Up. She is giving away three of these to a lucky winner.
The rules are simple and you have until November 5th.
Enter HERE.
I just also wanted to remind you to look over the right side

blog sidebar for all of the giveaways going on right now.
There are quite a few going on until Oct. 31st. Then more
going on in November and December.
I've got a little chicken in the oven roasting. I'll need to go
and baste her and hope that the power stays on to finish up the supper meal.
Take care, everyone.