
Very Sad News

I'm sorry I haven't been writing. We received some very sad news about my daughter's health. She must go to the hospital to have a procedure done and then the recovery will begin. It's more emotional than anything. We could fix the hurts for our kids when they were little, a kiss and maybe a coloring book and crayons when they were sick in bed. But that won't do it this time, I'm afraid. She's a grown woman now and there's little I can do except be there and let her know how much I love her. Time will fix the wounds as it always does, but the memory will take time to fade. There is a very
big empty space inside me, too right now. But I have to think of only her and my SIL's feelings now.
I will blog when I can talk about it with all of you.
It's just too difficult right now, my hands shake and the tears come unexpectedly and I can't see what I'm doing or type the right keys. My heart isn't here right now with my love of blogging. I'm going to curl up next to Mr. Glen Oaks for some comfort.
I love all of you and I will write when I can, hopefully in the next couple of days.