
July 30, 2011

Winners of Samantha's Accessories Giveaway And Free E-Patterns

Hello again,Primmies, before I give you the winners, you have to see this super cute e-pattern that Sami is offering on her blog, she calls it Doggie "Deer":
Click Here for the page on her blog and scroll down to her download box for her free patterns.
Another super cute free e-pattern is her Snowman Jar Topper. She put snow in the jar
(very clever) but she says you can put just about anything you want in the jar.
Click Here to go to her blog and download this pattern. Scroll down to the
download box for all of her free patterns.
And now, finally, the winners of the last Christmas In July Giveaway:
Winner #1 of the Santa Bucket Of Tarts and Room Sprays is Life On The Weinee Ranch
Winner #2 of the Bear On His Block is Jennifer of The Country Mouse.
I want to give a HUGE "Thank You" to Sami for bringing the Spirit of Christmas to all of us and for all of her hard work and generosity of her free patterns.
I'm looking forward to next year already.
Warm Regards,