Some prim eye candy for you! More photos after my post below.
All Shaker Box photos in this post: Property of Traditional Home Magazine
Photos: Property of Traditional Home Magazine
Isn't it also funny how we want Winter to be over when it's upon us, and now that Summer is here with the awful humidity we get here in our valley, I don't remember Winter being all that terrible?!? Well, I'm in the AC today. Mr. Glen Oaks is sanding floors again. The week before last weekend, he started (after much painful prodding from Nana Glen Oaks) and being by himself and the perfectionist he is, of course it didn't get finished in time for his mom and son's visit last weekend. He really only had 3 working days out of the week anyway. So back everything went, furniture, curtains, pictures, rugs so that everyone had a place to sit down and relax, and a table to eat at. Last night, out again everything went (I really don't know where he puts it all and don't want to look anyway). He's sanding like a madman possessed right now, sister Rose and husband Danny are due
here from Indiana on Tuesday morning. They wisely decided to stay in a motel with doggie day care no less. Leave it to my sister to find a motel with special areas for pets to be pampered if she has to be away from him. Bogie lives the good life for sure. With two cats here and an especially unreceptive-to-guests and dogs kitty, I think she would have had to be committed if Puffy attacked Bogie. We will be keeping Puffy "sequestered" while they are here during the day and evening. Sister plans on doing lots of sightseeing and shopping while she's here so there shouldn't be any cat attacks (my homeowners is paid up-to-date). Since I'm trying to get the house together in the other rooms that aren't being sanded, I don't have too much time to showcase any artists and their wares but I have some eye candy for us Primmies. I was reading my digital copy of Traditional Home and here's what I liked for today:
Maple Shaker Box With Copper Tacks, C.1835
Shaker Box With Yellow Paint and Copper Nails
Yellows, Prussian Blue and Green are considered the most valuable Boxes
Here's a green painted box with the original paper label still visible (see right side) that they would write the contents on:
My favorite, the pumpkin color
Hope you enjoyed this post. Back on Monday with a featured artist's work that I crave.
Stay cool,Primmies!
Warm Regards,