Well, we escaped the tornadoes yesterday. There was just a crazy microburst thunder and lightening storm like the typical ones we have here in Western Massachusetts. The wind was a little nasty, too but other than that, nothing out of the ordinary. Our poor neighbors in Springfield, Northhampton and Monson got the tornadoes. We actually had 3 touch down on the ground, making it the first time since I was born, I think. We haven't had the destruction like in the South and Midwest, but it's pretty bad for our towns, especially the little town of Monson. Most people here in Mass. haven't heard of Monson. What a terrible freak tragedy it was. The Emergency Management people and the Governor are all responding very quickly. It's just been a little over 24 hours since the touchdowns. If you want to help they are asking for donations to the Red Cross of just $10.00 and we are going to Springfield tomorrow to see if there's anything we can help with. The saddest tale is that of a mom that heard the tornado coming, she did what we were told to do and went into the bathroom with her daughter and had her lay down in the tub with her laying over her daughter. She saved her daughter's life but unfortunately she died protecting her child. That puts a lump in your throat and a pain in your heart listening to that story. It's so very sad and so typical of a mother's love and sense of protectiveness for her child. We consider ourselves fortunate and blessed that the storm cells passed around us here.
Warm Regards,